All about the website and legal information

Legal notice

Pick-e-Bike AG
Grenzweg 1
4104 Oberwil

UID-Nummer: CHE-143.120.073

Valencia Kommunikation AG
Steinentorstrasse 19
4010 Basel

cab services ag
Steinentorstrasse 19
4051 Basel

Gregor Brändli
4057 Basel

The details featured on this website are for information purposes only. Pick-e-Bike aims to provide correct and updated information but accepts no liability whatsoever with regard to the completeness, quality, correctness, relevance or usability of the information featured on the website. Under no circumstances shall Pick-e-Bike be liable for any material or immaterial loss or damage arising from or in connection with the use or non-use of the information provided or the use of incorrect or incomplete information. All details and information are provided without any guarantee. Pick-e-Bike reserves the right to modify, delete or temporarily not publish content fully or partly without giving notice. Pick-e-Bike explicitly rejects any liability for direct, indirect and/or consequential damage of any kind.

Pick-e-Bike has not checked third-party websites, i.e. websites not located on its servers or which are beyond its control, which may be connected to this website via hyperlinks, and accepts no responsibility for their contents or the products, services or other offers made on them.

Data protection
We take data protection and confidentiality very seriously and follow the applicable data protection regulations accordingly. The following information is saved when accessing our website: personal information, IP address, date, time, browser request and general information transmitted regarding the operating system and/or browser. We use this data for statistical, anonymous analysis to identify trends and improve our offers on an ongoing basis.

This website uses Google Analytics, which uses cookies to analyse how you use the site. The information generated by the cookies is usually transmitted to and stored on a Google Inc. server in the USA. Google uses this information to evaluate the use of the website and to generate reports on website activity for website operators. You can prevent the installation of cookies by adjusting your browser settings. However, if you choose to do this, we would like to point out that you may not be fully able to use all the website’s functions. By using this website, you consent to Google processing your data.

Copyright and trademark law
All content and the structure of the website is protected by copyright. Total or partial reproduction, electronic or other transmission, modification or use for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written consent from Pick-e-Bike.

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Für alle Besitzer:innen eines U-Abos oder GA bieten wir dir jetzt dein Upgrade zum öV-Abo.

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